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Minnesota Futurists). Benchmark best practices for Mapping Emigrant Trails (MET) - Cached - Similar pages

1902: Ernest Thompson Seton founds League of Woodcraft Indians,
1903: USFWS empowers National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) habitat protection
National Wildlife Refuge is a designation for certain protected areas of the United States managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The National Wildlife Refuge System is the world's premiere system of public lands and waters set aside to conserve America's fish, wildlife and plants.
Since President Theodore Roosevelt designated Florida's Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge as the first wildlife refuge in 1903, the System has grown to more than 150 million acres, 584 national wildlife refuges and other units of the Refuge System, plus 37 wetland management districts.
The mission of the Refuge System is to manage a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitat. The Refuge System maintains the biological integrity, diversity and environmental health of these natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.
1906: Ernest Thompson Seton meets with Baden-Powell in London.
1907: Baden-Powell publishes "Scouting for Boys" & Oklahoma becomes 46th State of USA ...
Feb-1910: Teddy Roosevelt named Chief Scout Citizen & E.T. Seton selected to serve as Chief Scout
Aug-1910: Teddy Roosevelt launches Progressive Republican Party at "Windmill Hill" (Lawrence, KS)
1911-1914 First Edition: The Official Handbook for Boys was influenced by Lewis Lindsay Dyche.
1914: First William T. Hornaday Awards for conservation service presented.
1915: Order of the Arrow (La Flecha) organized by E. Urner Goodman & Carroll A. Edson.
1916: U.S. National Park Service founded to sustain "Grey Wolf's" National Conservation movement.
1936: Julia & Ernest Thompson Seton write "Gospel of the Red Man" while embarked aboard RMS Queen Mary.
1936: Iowa Native ADM William D. Leahy advocates for Emergency Shipbuilding and Merchant Marine Acts.
1939: Iowa-Native Waite Phillips donates NE-NM property that becomes Philmont Scout Ranch (PSR)
1939: US Navy commissions Cimarron-class fast fleet oilers named for Santa Fe Trail watersheds ...
01-Oct-68: USS Cimarron (AO-22) decommissioned in San Diego, CA.
02-Oct-68: US Congress passes National Trails System Act
12-Oct-2006: USNPS National Heritage Areas Act authorizes Freedom's Frontier NHA
Freedoms Frontier National Heritage Area
Last Updated by danielle_feuillan on Apr 15
Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area encompasses counties in both Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri. Along this border, before and during the Civil War, a defining conflict took place between the forces of slavery and freedom. As abolitionists and others fought to keep Kansas a free state and pro-slavery forces gathered in Missouri, the Eastern press began referring to the region as "Bleeding Kansas." This story and the continuing story of the struggle for freedom of other groups - Native Americans, African Americans, Women and Free Staters - are still reflected in the communities and landmarks of this region.
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I hereby grant to KUCE-OLLI, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and assigns the right to record my name and performance at the [ORG-ID] program on tape ... - Similar pages
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Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 12:09 pm on Mar 14, 2017
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Added page tags: KMOL,GlobalBrain,HICSS,KM/SE,MentorshipART,NeuroScapes,knowledge management,near peer,ontology,organizational learning,persistent conversations,semantic web,social engineering,
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 12:05 pm on Mar 14, 2017
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