"Blended Visual Learning" paradigms introduced during the 2002 MnSCU-iTeach Conference.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
for adaptive outdoor recreation "Eco-Challenges"
Empower consequential learning for "Know Your Wilderness Inquiry Zones" (WIZ)
Our "Trails-n-Tails" (TnT) theme:
[A] Reflects actionable distilled insights (WIZdom) for "EarthSea-Keeping" group activities
[B] Builds on FutureThought Leadership experiences with blended "Visual Learning" hyperportals
[C] Creates sharable community stewardship stories about "geoWIZard" MentorshipART ... Rev: 25-Jan-2009
Dennis Nun, president of Heartland International, Inc., called Results On Target
"The best communication book I ever read." Everything we do involves some kind of communication,
so you are more likely to get the results you want when you know basic communication processes.
This book translates highly effective Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) skills and techniques into everyday English.
It's easy to get results. It's better to get results you want.
Results On Target gives you practical steps to improve your results and avoid many common traps.
Bruce Dillman uses two mnemonics to explain his process:
First, there is TARGET. It is focused on establishing your goals.
T -- Think of a result you want
A -- Aim for a positive result
R -- Refine the details
G -- Get into it
E -- Expand your team
T -- Turn to key clues
R -- Recognize and avoid traps
E -- Establish resourceful attitudes
S -- Support the process with mutual trust
U -- Use your clues
L -- Loosen up - take another approach
T -- Take yes for an answer
S -- Step this way
SC: Sustainable Change
D: Dissatisfaction
V: Vision of future state or condition
F: F1RST/Next steps to desired state
R: Resistance to change (inertia)
Then: SC = D x V x F (exceeds) R
Comments (7)
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 1:27 pm on Nov 16, 2017
Alt-Pinterest Board CoCuration ... https://www.pinterest.com/watershedmarsha/futurethought-thinklets/
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 1:07 pm on Nov 16, 2017
GSS-Thortspace Google-Photos (Screenshots) Album ... https://photos.app.goo.gl/U6cd2RIG1z1tV7fw2
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 12:21 pm on Nov 16, 2017
GSS-ThortSpace Link: https://medium.com/@ramad/is-gss-right-for-me-6d72459ea8c7
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 12:02 pm on Nov 16, 2017
Visit PhD Project for Generating Systems of Success (GSS) ... https://thort.space/76157003
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 12:00 pm on Nov 16, 2017
Learn more about MOOCs ... https://thort.space/journey/110898789587140112950_5587463186154037609_3360144716592008619/1
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 11:07 am on Nov 16, 2017
Also see GSS - PhD Project ... https://www.thortspace.com/main/public-spheres-list/
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 7:20 am on Nov 15, 2017
Renamed Copy of StoryChasing for Pinterest Board Widget Exemplar https://www.pinterest.com/watershedmarsha/webspirationpro-insights/
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