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edumanual / Document Import - The PBworks Manual
Supported Formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenDocument Text (.odt), WordPerfect (.wpd), Plain text (.txt), Rich Text Format (.rtf). This will create a single workspace page with the content of the text document. Any embedded images in the document will be uploaded to the workspace as files and embedded in the new ...
creat a new page | Search Results | PBworks Official Blog | Page 2
I've tried exporting the Word file to HTML, but I get all the Word garbage. “ The new Document Import feature makes it unbelievably easy to import a document or spreadsheet to your PBworks, so that the document's content is copied onto a page in your workspace.
The new Document Import feature makes it unbelievably easy to import a document or spreadsheet to your PBworks,
so that the document’s content is copied onto a page in your workspace. Here’s how:
Create a new page: Title your page and choose document import
This is a “rough draft” of my interpretations of Wednesday’s meeting results.
Please review and comment
Mn-Futurists Meetups are from 9:30 until Noon as follows:
Meetup Outreach & Program (MOP) Committee members are responsible for following:
1st Saturday Jason
2nd Saturday Hank Lederer and Brian Toren
3rd Saturday Bob Kaufman
4th Saturday Bob Burkhart
5th Saturday Bill Weir
Each MOP Member promotes their meetup programs using the 3 framing questions/issues –
Online Meetup Group Event Abstracts/Blurbs result from conferring with our invited speaker.
Ideally, this should be done a month before the meetup.
- Coffee and pastries’ available
- Audio-visual equipment setup (with checklist)
(Jason handles video projector plus speakers)
- Self-introductions & funding reminder
- New Future NEWS Items shared
- Circulate guest registration form
Shorten the duration of shared NEWS whenever self-introductions expand ...
10:00 Presentation and discussion, this can also vary based on circumstances.
Facilitator distributes challenge question and program critique forms - NA
Moderator introduces topic plus speaker or individual panel members
11:30 Breakout conversation among attendees and speakers
Facilitator collects materials for visual aids, handouts, etc. and prepares forms for question submission & critique –
Forms and questionnaires are the responsibility of the speaker if they have any.
12:00 Formal meetup adjourns to an optional off-site eatery
Meetup presentations are 45 minutes to an hour plus a trailing discussion period curtailed at 11:30.
The last half hour to be used as a conversation period and a time for attendees to meet quest speaker should there be one
The following is a revision of the proposed guidelines, shared by Bob-RJ Burkhart
Brian Toren modified them to align with our weekly Sat-AM meetup requirements.
[A] Rank discussion topics that may benefit from our collective S-T-E-P-S perspectives
(S)ocial / (T)echnical / (E)thical / (P)olitical / (S)ustainatble ... StoryTrek
[B] Select both a weekly meetup program moderator and optional facilitator.
If the presenter is one of the Presentation committee members, they will select a moderator.
If the presenter is invited the individual who invited the speaker will be the moderator
[C] Recruit Subject Matter Experts (SME) willing to openly share experiences, opinions, and lessons relearned.
The freely shared collaborative Knowledge, Skills & Abilities (KSA) of meetup participants comprise our panel.
[D] Preconvene with the SMEs, Moderator, and Facilitator (VIP Panel) sometime before group presentation
This informal off-site meeting is convened by the MOP Member responsible for their Saturday Program:
Goals for this preliminary meeting include:
- Acquaint VIP Panel co-presenters with each other
- Generate three framing questions on program topic for pre-publicity.
- Agree who prepares their initial response for each framing question
[E] Our invited SME determines if clarifying questions are desired during or after the initial presentation.
- Moderator determines time and guidelines for additional comments. (Discourage presumptive assertions)
- Following primary response – in futurists presentations, questions and responses come from the attendees.
- The moderator is responsible for limiting time used for this piggy-back interchange of diverse perspectives.
[F] Establish protocol guidelines for weekly meetups:
Determine time limits for actual/panel presentation -
45 minutes to one hour (longer if participants agree)
- Determine audience participation procedures & protocols -
- Limit initial briefing questions to clarification – See [E] above
- Participant submission of preliminary vs. spontaneous questions –
- Plan a brief break before sharing audience insights/comments - Whenever videotaped
[G] Arrange for a platform, microphone(s), table skirting to ensure panelists are appropriately visible -
NA until other Audio-Video and Skype-WiFi Networking capabilities are integrated.
Comments (1)
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 11:54 am on Apr 8, 2018
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