Campus Futures
Page history
last edited
by Bob-RJ Burkhart 13 years, 3 months ago
Return to: Ancient Voices ... decision traps ... KU Innovation Incubator ... Waters to the Sea
Adaptive Leadership ... KUCE-OLLI ... sense of place ... loose parts ... StoryTech
Campus Futures was published simultaneously in Planning for Higher Education: (Where cited?)
- (Journal of the Society for College and University Planners),
- Vol, 34, No. 3, April-June 2006, pp. 45-48;
- Business Officer (Journal of the National Association of College and University Business Officers),
- Vol. 39, No. 10, April 2006, pp. 24-17; and
- Facilities Manager (Journal of the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers),
- Vol. 22, No. 2, March/April 2006, pp. 24-27.
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Visit Celebrate Kansas Voices
- The Podcast Directory. James Dator, Ph.D., founded the Institute for Alternative Futures in 1977
- with Alvin Toffler and Clement Bezold. ...
- bibliographic instruction session to a podcast or screencast
- ... James Dator. is Professor, and Head of the Alternative Futures Graduate ...
- Global Futurists Podcast lecture series examines topics about the future. 40.
- i4CQuest Keywords: "James Dator" Podcast Directory Sustainable Society
Why, for example, is a sustainable society better than an unsustainable one?
... and James Dator organized the first Honolulu Electronic Town Meeting. ...
Published Jun 25, 2009. From the magazine issue dated Jul 13, 2009 ...
in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in which researchers from the University of Washington confirmed the validity
of the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The IAT made a lot of news late last year when results showed ...
www.newsweek.com/id/203695 - Cached - Similar
Check out the Policy (Implicit Association test) IAT. This is a test investigating ...
at 3:31 pm on February 13th, 2009. PSYCHOLOGY OF MAGIC ... Virtual Therapy covered in Newsweek ...
The concept of conventional wisdom also is applied or implied in political senses, often related closely with the phenomenon of talking points. It is used pejoratively to refer to the idea that statements which are repeated over and over become conventional wisdom regardless of whether or not they are true.
Framing, a term used in media studies, sociology and psychology, refers to the social construction of a social phenomenon by mass media sources or specific political or social movements or organizations. It is an inevitable process of selective influence over the individual's perception of the meanings attributed to words or phrases. A frame defines the packaging of an element of rhetoric in such a way as to encourage certain interpretations and to discourage others.
- There is no single, strict Scientific method used by all scientists, a misconception popularized by elementary science textbooks. The rigid "Hypothesis/Experiment/Conclusion" model of science is an important part of many fields, particularly basic sciences like Physics and Chemistry, but is not the only way to do genuine science. Many sciences do not fit well into this mold (Astronomy, Paleontology, Mathematics), and much important scientific work has come from curiosity and unguided exploration, for example, the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, or the development of the Atomic force microscope.[154][155][156]
Director Saralyn Reece Hardy speaks with Beth Schultz, Ted Johnson, and Joan Stone
... spencerart@ku.edu. The Spencer Museum of Art. 1301 Mississippi Street ...
www.spencerart.ku.edu/dialogue/artintoart.shtml - Cached - Similar pages
May 8, 2008 ... Stop Day tour explores KU campus ...
For information, contact Ted Johnson at 785/842-5328 or via e-mail at: jtj@ku.edu. ...
... Art into Art: Inspired Responses from Beth Schultz, Ted Johnson and Joan Stone
... spencerart@ku.edu. The Spencer Museum of Art. 1301 Mississippi Street ...
www.spencerart.ku.edu/dialogue/ - Cached - Similar pages
Subject: Sustainability and the KU Campus: Your Input Requested
.... the KU archives at Spencer Research Library, and have tours given by Dr. Ted Johnson. ...
www2.ku.edu/~recycle/STF_2005_Report4.htm - Cached - Similar pages
- [PDF]
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
observe campus architecture, use the KU archives at Spencer Research Library,
and have tours given by Dr. Ted Johnson. The campus is the handy laboratory ...
www2.ku.edu/~sustain/profiles/Appendix_C.pdf - Similar pages
More results from www2.ku.edu »
The links below lead to descriptions of past classes offered by the KU Osher Institute
... opera; Joan Stone, dance, and Ted Johnson, KU professor emeritus. ...
The tour will begin at the Spencer Art Museum, KU campus in Lawrence. ...
www.continuinged.ku.edu/lifelonglearning/past_classes.php - Cached - Similar pages
KU artists design science building Art and science, at times,
... Since his recent death, the Spencer Art Museum has turned his exhibit into a memorial.
.... Stop day doesn't slow down professor Ted Johnson, who provides his annual ...
Apr 29, 2009 ... LAWRENCE — The traditional Stop Day walking tour of the ...
War II Memorial Carillon and Campanile and the northern slopes of Mount Oread. ...
www.news.ku.edu/2009/april/29/walktour.shtml - Cached
Apr 26, 2010 ... Professor to lead annual stop day walking tour ...
“The World War II Memorial Carillon and Campanile and the northern slopes of Mount Oread. ...
As a follow-up to a successful program in early 2007 on political weblogs, the Dole Institute of Politics hosted a panel discussion featuring another dynamic and growing community on the internet: military blogs (also known as “milblogs”).
Blogs from the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan allowed readers on the home front to connect with real soldiers, contractors, and civilians who are serving their country, and forced the Pentagon to rush headlong into this 21st century medium.
This discussion was moderated by William Allen White School of Journalism Associate Dean David Perlmutter, author of the books Visions of War (eBook) and Blogwars (Feb-2008).
The panel featured Charles J. “Jack” Holt, chief of New Media Operations for the Pentagon, and the leading military bloggers Ward Carroll, editor of Military.com and Milblog.com and John Donovan, lead blogger of Argghhh! The Home of Two of Jonah’s Military Guys
- The MOVES Institute Director is Dr. Rudy Darken from the NPS Department of Computer Science.
- The mission of The MOVES Institute is “to be the world-class institute for research, application and education
- in the grand challenges of modeling, virtual environments and simulation.”
... Cindy Cox and Daniel Fu, Ph.D. Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. 951 Mariner's Island Blvd ...
Research: VIRT E. Office of Naval Research, 22 September 2005: http://www.moves institute.org ...
... The Naval Postgraduate School Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulations (MOVES) Institute ...
Capability at Heart of Byrd's PP09 Success Navy NewsStand 16 Sep 2009 -- Mariners are ...
Other keynote speakers include: MajGen Jim Molan, Commander - Australian Defence College
and Professor Michael Zyda, Director of the Moves Institute, US Naval Postgraduate School.
Hot Topics Archive ... Requesting transcripts, applying & preparing to attend NPS: ACADEMICS :
Schools, departments, programs, & curricula
Eco-Futures Forum:
Environmental Stewardship Programs (ESP)
Ongoing efforts to enhance KU-2007 Environmental Stewardship Programs (ESP) acquired some "River Roots" from a Kirkwood, MISSOURI "Hidden Hometown Hero" whose "MentorshipART" LIVES here -> http://www.paleotrek.com/PaleoTrekFuture.html
>> Our last program began June 10, 2006 and continued until July 28, 2006 depending on public participation. Staff includes scientists with advanced degrees and extensive field experience. Remember space is limited to TEN participants per week.<<
fyi - Mr-C's family became our Marjean Court (63122) neighbors in 1949 when we moved WEST from Scotia (Upstate) New York.
We were SW-suburban (Saint Louis Council BSA) Huck Finn & Tom Sawyer wetland "wilderness" PIONEERS with CommUnity pride!
We played out roles as "Last Child in the Woods" ... We freely roamed "Our Gang's" rough ground forested riparian areas near what's become impervious paved parking lots at Merrimac Community College located just Northwest of Big Bend and Geyer Roads.
Some of our KHS-61 "Mr-Clan" migrated further WEST
to Mount Oread in Lawrence, Kansas where I began dating Mr-C's niece from East Wichita.
We became "ALL-WinWin: Future Thought Leaders"
for our 1964-1965 "Jayhawker Magazine Yearbook" Staff during the turbulent decade
also driven by JFK's SHARED VISION of having NASA put a "Man on the Moon by 1969" ...
>> Mike Gentry has speculated that "The Blue Marble"
is the most widely distributed image in human history.
Apollo 17 was the last manned lunar mission.
No humans since have been at a range where taking a "whole-Earth"
photograph such as "The Blue Marble" would be possible.
Note: I was an observer at Hickam AFB as the Apollo-11
Crew's quarantine trailer was being "showcased" enroute to a MAC Cargo Flight ...
Our innovative CDC-1604/160A INFOstructure plus production prototype applications it supported later became pre-WWMCCS benchmarks for CincPAC's "Operational Continuity Assurance" DRHA functions NOW at http://www.PDC.org (W. Maui, Hawaii)
Enable GeoScouting-SD (Sustainable Development)
Our "MentorshipART Vision" hatched on Maui
during my HICSS-34 (Jan-2001) "Mini-Tutorial"
... (Operational Continuity Assurance - MCHE) ...
... Managing Without Authority (MWA) <- High Performance Leadership (HPL)
... Measurable Behavior Changes (MBC) <- 2005 UNEP "Sustainable Development"
(1) Combat complacency by "blurring" man-made EarthKeeping barriers
(2) Counterbalance "Flatlander Mindset" & hidden "Decision Traps"
(3) Encourage more effective listening & critical thinking skills
(4) Mentor/Tutor "Abnormal Situation Management" team-based exercises
(5) Enable Anticipatory Thinking MentorshipART via "Eco-Futures Forums"
(6) Facilitate "Adopt-A-Wetland/CERT" knowledge management "MindShifts"
Note: Futurethought Hoshin Planning current reality assessments became our
CIAPsubmit group decision support .... Social Responsibility Pathfinders) ...

Sidebars: Meg Jackson volunteered as Summer 1964
a Great White Pyrenees "Kennel Keeper" for Beau-KAY High-Rickety!
Beau was "Windmill Hill's" Sigma Nu Fraternity (Nu Chapter) mascot.
Barbara (Zupan-Bruce) became a special guest at our "West Hills" (Neighborhood)
... Governor W.R. Stubbs Mansion (1907-1921) Besides interACTing with a diverse
inter-regional cast of characters, we also CELEBRATED our watershed's viewscapes
New (Nu) Sigma Nu Kaw Valley Viewscapes
(Where the "Blues Brothers" .... Urban Legends script F1RST hatched ???)
Land Navigation Skills Leave-No-Trace Learn & Share Tales EarthSea-Keeping.
Yahoo! 360° - geoWIZard-RJBurkhart's Blog
From "Crow's Nest" on Stubbs "Wind Hill Mansion"
Sigma Nu Global (INTERdependent) Competent CARING Community Connections ...
Local History - Kansas City Public Library
(Citation - Magazine), Article recalls the burning of a well-known windmill
in Lawrence, Kansas, which was located on "Windmill Hill," near today's ...
During 1971 I completed my graduate studies at UH-Manoa to begin living a "Lower Lake Wobegon" fantasy in Metro-MN (55431). Yet, we returned annually to Kirkwood for our extended family gatherings & reunions until my Dad/W0BA moved WEST to OPKS!
During 2004, we moved SOUTH to the Kaw Valley's "Ghost Township" of Monticello ...
We began expanding our "MentorshipART of CommUnity-Building through Story-Telling"
that both our daughters learned from interACTing with "multi-cultural" grandparents!
But lawhd have mercy children, it is too damn dreadfully cold up there in the winter,
and it's been even colder across the Mississippi River on Portland ......
Ever read "Home Grown Democrat"? Good stuff. His tales of Lake Wobegone ...
realestalker.blogspot.com/.../will-garrison-keillor-move-to-lake.html - Cached - Similar

I have a long standing grudge I hold against Garrison Keillor. ...
He writes some wonderful books – Home Grown Democrat was about one of the best books I've ...
Garrison Keillor is not "Soft Spoken" anymore than Dick Cheney is when they *NEED* ......
Lawsuit Filed to Protect Old Growth Redwoods on the Gualala River ...
Bookdaily.com: Homegrown Democrat by Garrison Keillor is published by Highbridge Audio. ...
Before his May 2005 death, we hand-crafted a "MentorshipART Gallery"
BioGEOgraphical tribute to our (Circa 1958) "BIOneering Gang"
(Were we Pathfinders for Google's Picasa2 Album Viewer?)
2371. University of Kansas Spencer Museum of Art 66045
(913) 864-4710, fax (913) 864-3112 Tue-Sat 8:30-5, Sun 12-5
Dir: Andrea Norris Art of Europe and America from the Middle Ages to the present, Japanese prints and Edo paintings, contemporary Chinese painting; quilts; comprehensive collection of prints, drawings, and photographs.
-----Original Message-----
From: geoWIZard-Passports
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 11:01 PM
Subject: Anti-NDD "Digital Jaywalker" Eco-Challenge
:: Camp Naish Kaw Valley Heritage "Trails-n-Tales" (7306pm)
KU-Alum J-School/71 gets all credit for crafting the term "Nature Deficit Disorder" (NDD) ...
Our only uncommon connection was that we had the same MentorshipART Coach - Mr. Tom Yoe with Kansas University Relations!
Enroute to FOCCPAC-Kunia, I revisited Mount Oread's Kansas Memorial Union Jayhawker Magazine Yearbook (JMY) staff offices.
While collecting my lifetime FREE KU-JMY subscription,
I met a savvy Sea Grant Scholar, Linda Jo McCrerey (J-School/70)
She somehow arranged for her family (based at Pearl Harbor) to adopt me as "mildly disoriented" dreamer & schemer!
From Linda's Kansas-rooted family, I refined the semi-professional
question-asking art/science of "Social Network Analysis" ...
4 degrees of separation
Social Network Analysis
Social network
FamiLee Life: Psychology and Research Archives
In reality, it would make for a great research study to identify,
measure and test which factors accounts for the most variance in the six degrees of ...
fyi - Our Feb-2006 Hawaii County (Big Island UFO) "WhalesTale"
Around our lanai's outdoor fire, we embellished "ALL-WinWin" Sea Stories"
crafted from my "1967 WestPac Cruise" aboard USS Cimarron (AO-22)
While exploring our "Landlocked Island" (Leavenworth-Lenexa-Lawrence),
I adapted an inverted Oahu U.S. Army TOPOgraphical relief map
to share WHY Hilo Bay became our "western-most" Kanzana outpost!
Please note clues from our "Dragonfly County" http://www.OCTA-Trails.org
Ezra Meeker Reenactment picnic conversation at Alcove Springs, Kansas
Dx: Nature Deficit Disorder - superb description of what often ails me!
Now I can steal it to me and go around with a gloomy face and mumble,
"I've got NDD," and people will take pity on me and give me money. I like your style.
And I also wonder what you meant when you adapted my camping stories
to your own family. Does that mean you all acted like old curmudgeons? ;-)
KACEE e-news: 28 February, 2007
Who: This workshop is open to all formal and
non-formal educators working with children pre-K
through 12th grade in a classroom or extracurricular programs
(4-H, After School Programs, Scouts, camps, volunteer stream teams, etc)
Cost: 2-day workshop cost is $55.
Lunches are included in the registration fee
For additional information, please contact
or 785-233-4721.
-----Original Message-----
From: geoWIZard-Passports
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 5:28 PM
Subject: HOAC-BSA Camp Naish Kaw Valley Heritage "Trails-n-Tales"
:: Leave No Trace (LNT) Eco-Challenge (7306pm)
Beth - After my KACEE-enabled Prairie Passage 2004 "Eco-Futurist" audition in Nebraska City,
I refocused on an "Adopt-a-Habitat" framework suggested by the Kaw Nation of Oklahoma!
where KM=Knowledge Management & SE=Social Engineering
Plus: http://picasaweb.google.com/RJBurkhart/OCTATrails_PathfinderPassports6o10pm
fyi - RO/CS mirrors Philmont's Roving Outdoor Conservation School project-based learning program.
However, it's equally suited as "adaptive outdoor recreation" for disabled veterans!
... MAoP (Stewardship) Community of Practice (CoP)
+ + +
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Carlyle
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: Leave No Trace
Look in the Scout Book.
It's there. Leave no trace is a part of both the skills before earning
First Class and Camping Merit Badge. Every campout of the year should
be covering leave no trace.
Campus Futures
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Comments (1)
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 5:21 am on Nov 16, 2011
Also see related articles via http://minnesotafuturist.pbworks.com/w/search?q=usepa7
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