
Cimarron Cutoff

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 15 years ago

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Rivers are both byways and barriers ... 

To understand history, first understand rivers.


EarthSea-Keepers ... EcoChallenge ... Know Your Watershed's Impact Zones (WIZ)


 Winslow Homer's Eight Bells, 1886.

Prestages Neosho River headwater's Midwest Mariners' Memorial 


Ocean and atmosphere connections ... The study of the oceans is intimately linked to understanding global warming and related biosphere concerns. The atmosphere and ocean are linked because of evaporation and precipitation as well as thermal flux (and solar insolation). Wind stress is a major driver of ocean currents while the ocean is a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide.


Our planet is invested with two great oceans; one visible, the other invisible; one underfoot, the other overhead; one entirely envelopes it, the other covers about two thirds of its surface.


Matthew F. Maury (1855)

The Physical Geography of the Seas and Its Meteorology



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Gray County Historical Society (1980)


Cimarron, (Kansas) settled in 1878,

got its name as the starting point at one time of the shorter Cimarron or dry route to Santa Fe. Here the Santa Fe divided, one branch heading directly southwest, the other (present US-50) following the Arkansas river to Bent's Fort (near La Junta Colo.) then south over Raton Pass.


William Becknell first traveled the dry route with a pack train via the Cimarron River in 1822, carrying trade goods to Mexico, newly freed from Spain. By 1824, wagons creaked along with loads of calico, guns, tools and shoes to exchange for silver, furs, wool, and mules.


Trade became of such importance the in 1825

the government surveyed the route in U. S. territory north of the river, and the Upper Crossing, near Choteau's Island in Kearny County, was recommended because of the shorter distance between the rivers. But despite the danger, the Middle Crossing -- various points in the Cimarron-Ingalls area -- was used the most.


Usually waterless and subject to Indian attacks, the 60 miles of trackless prairie between the Arkansas and the Cimarron was called by the Mexicans Jornada Del Muerte, or Journey of Death.


Santa Fe National Historic Trail (National Park Service)


There's a wind farm (built and operated by Florida Power and Light)

NE of Montezuma on highway 56. It's awesome,

with 170 wind towers, each 207 feet high with 3 blades, 77 feet each.

Go to the Stauth Museum in Montezuma to pick up a card telling a lot more about this fascinating technology.


Also see ... Cimarron Route ... Ethnocide


Sobering Thoughts

May 1, 2009 ... Mark Steyn on the end of Europe (first of five).

How states got their shapes (more than an hour long but mostly interesting) ...

www.soberingthoughts.blogspot.com/2009_05_01_archive.html - Cached 

Speaker Biography: Mark Stein is a playwright and screenwriter.


His plays have been performed off-Broadway and at theaters around the country. He has taught writing and drama at American University and Catholic University and lives in Washington, D.C.

Category:  Education


Amazon.com: Don't Know Much About (BIO)geography: Everything You Need ...

Amazon.com: Don't Know Much About Geography:

Everything You Need to Know About the World but Never Learned (9780380713790): Kenneth C. Davis: Books.

www.amazon.com › ... › ( D )Davis, Kenneth C. - Cached



Palo Flechado Pass ... (La Flecha Headwaters)



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