CBL has its roots in more than 70 years of research into the connection between confidence, correctness, retention and learning. In 1932, the first academic paper on this subject was written (Hevner - "Method for correcting for guessing and empirical evidence to support") asserting that measuring confidence and knowledge was a better predictor of performance than measuring knowledge alone, which can be prone to guesswork.
Additional research that contributed to the development of Confidence-Based LearningTM includes:
D. LeClerq's
(University of Belgium) work on confidence and correctness and item bank testing, which was originally commissioned by NATO
Emir Shuford's
(University of California at Los Angeles) research on the reliability of knowledge and the impact of guessing, which was developed in conjunction with a RAND Corporation program
Darwin Hunt's
(New Mexico State University) research into the linkage between confidence and knowledge retention
In his work with LeClerq, Shuford and Hunt, Dr. Jim Bruno, Professor of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) expanded on this body of knowledge and ultimately developed a unique way to measure knowledge and confidence simultaneously and provide effective feedback.
Bruno's process was called Information Referenced Testing (IRT). Knowledge Factor acquired the intellectual property behind IRT and, working in conjunction with Bruno, further developed the process to include embedded learning objects within the assessment. This ultimately led to contextually smart learning, the foundation of a patented process that is now called Confidence-Based LearningTM.
Welcome to the Volume VI edition of the 55/15 Report. The 55/15 Report is a “quick read” compilation of provocative thought pieces on issues that impact corporate performance.
It includes contributions from Knowledge Factor, our partners, thought leaders and clients that debunk some of the tired claims about training, while shedding new light on a subject that can significantly improve the performance and culture of companies – Mastery.
Mastery Methodology:
The Six-Sigma for Learning
Part II: Informal Learning Imperative
Informal learning is totally unstructured and difficult to define. Yet, a growing number of companies are embracing it as the future of training. By some estimates, as much as 80 percent of our learning takes place through informal processes. But how do you manage something you can’t measure? By combining engaging, self-directed and self-assessing processes, it is possible to bring focus to this unfocused world and start to align informal learning with actual business outcomes. See what some companies are doing to harness this unruly beast.more....
Measure the Benefits of Training:
Not Just the Costs – An Exercise
“Training doesn’t generate revenue, so it’s not a high priority.” This refrain sends chills up the spines of training professionals, yet they themselves may be contributing to this perception. Whenever the “justify the expense of training” conversation comes up, they duck behind platitudes that have worn thin after years of unfulfilled promises. But there is no need to dodge the question. Armed with sufficient, often easy-to-find, facts, some trainers are turning the conversation around and getting the attention of management—in some cases, with startling results. See what some trainers are doing to change the perception of training within their organizations.more...
Rethinking Instructional Design:
When is Water More than Water?
Believe it or not, the global bottled water craze offers an intriguing metaphor for training assessments. It may all be water at the end of the day, but what’s in one bottle may be very different from the next bottle on the shelf. Assessments, too, come in a variety of forms and packaging. But just as consumers have come to recognize differences in water, companies are finding vast differences in the quality of assessments and the usefulness of their outcomes. Some products may even be putting companies at risk. But there are solutions.more...
Confidence-Based Learning (CBL) is designed to ensure that whenever ... Founded in 2000, Knowledge Factor has gained national acclaim for its unique ability ...
www.hr.com/hr/.../knowledge_factor_to_address__the_naked_truth_about_training__at_life_sciences_sales_conference_eng.ht... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
Apr 25, 2007 ... This process, called Confidence-Based Learning (CBL), is revolutionizing the ... as well as their willingness to invest in paradigm-changing ...
Knowledge Factor’s Confidence-Based Learning (CBL) is designed to ensure that this ..... “Our ground-breaking research has resulted in a new paradigm for ...
www.hrmarketer.com/~blog/2006_08_01_archive.html - 215k - Cached - Similar pages
ArcMesa (Scinexa) will use the CBL System in its CME courses for central nervous ...Confidence-Based Learning addresses one of the critical shortcomings of ...
www.hrmarketer.com/~blog/2006_10_01_archive.html - 374k - Cached - Similar pages
They have 1800 – 2000 employees here, 26-28000 employees worldwide. ...... Factor’s Confidence- Based Learning System (CBL system) because it helps their ...
emerged as a new educational paradigm among. researchers and practitioners in several fields, ...Confidence-Based Learning (CBL) is a methodology used in ...
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A methodology called Confidence-Based Learning™ (CBL) provides the foundation for ... BOLD brings a first-of-its-kind educational paradigm to leg disorders, ... - Similar pages
The world has changed and the plan-execute paradigm is no longer relevant, ...... Knowledge Factor’s Confidence-Based Learning (CBL) System has gained ...
Comments (2)
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 12:23 pm on Sep 18, 2019
MSC-CBL GooglePhotos Album ... https://photos.app.goo.gl/nVTwkzRTa6HoLf4g7
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:46 am on Nov 13, 2017
Seeking LeapFrogU Education Futures Alternative Sources ... https://ucsd.academia.edu/AlanDaly
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