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Dragonfly County Kaw Valley AgriTourism

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 15 years, 5 months ago


Lawrence Farms | visitlawrence.com


VINLAND VALLEY NURSERY. 1610 N 600th Rd Baldwin City, KS 66006 ...

publish Growing for Market, a national monthly newsletter for other market farmers. ...

www.visitlawrence.com/visitor/farm_experience/lawrence_farms/ - Cached - Similar pages

  • September 12, 2008

    • Monarch migration • Borage officinalis

    • Lawrence electronic recycling

  • Vinland Valley :: Nature's Notebook

Vinland Valley :: Nature's Notebook

Welcome to the Vinland Valley Nursery stacks!

These e-newsletters include loads of information on wildlife and gardening. ...


Kansas AgriTourism News-Kaw Valley Farm Tour


Kansas Destinations · How To Articles · Newsletter Archive ....

VINLAND VALLEY NURSERY Amy Albright & Doug Davison 1606 N. 600 Rd. Baldwin City, KS 66006 ...

www.kansasagritourism.org/news/kawvalley.htm - Cached - Similar pages



John & Karen Pendleton

1446 E. 1850 Rd.

Lawrence, KS 66046

(785) 843-1409



This farm is a diversified family farm growing vegetables, bedding plants, cut flowers and commodity crops (corn and soybeans). During the fall this farm celebrates the harvests, decorations from nature and butterflies. Enjoy kid’s activities that include arts and crafts from nature, mazes, a tyke track, bug hunts, and of course tagging butterflies with Monarch Watch. Hayrides around the farm include stops at the pumpkin patch, flower field and Garden Barn.


"As to scenery (giving my own thought and feeling), while I know the standard claim is that Yosemite, Niagara Falls, the Upper Yellowstone, and the like afford the greatest natural shows, I am not so sure but the prairies and plains, while less stunning at first sight, last longer, fill the esthetic sense fuller, precede all the rest, and make North America's characteristic landscape."

- Walt Whitman, Specimen Days, 1879


Watch for wildlife
map of the central flyway

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