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Ronald D. Gallagher

died near Rach Kien South Vietnam during 1967


Honoring Ronald D. Gallagher

Building the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at the University of Kansas ...

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“Lest we forget”. Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains 30 (Autumn 2007): 

178–191. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, University of Kansas, Lawrence. ...

www.kshs.org/publicat/history/2007autumn_kidwell.pdf - Similar pages




    ... Don Bowman, that is inscribed on memorial dedicated yesterday at University of Kansas in Lawrence. (AP) ...

    query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE2DA123FF935A15756C0A96094... - Cached - Similar pages


  • Vietnam Memorial rededication

    9 a.m. Saturday, April 25, during University of Kansas Alumni Weekend, 

    at the Vietnam Memorial, near the intersection of West Campus Road and Memorial Drive ...






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    Details for GALLAGHER, RONALD

    RONALD D. GALLAGHER. News Organization: FREELANCE. Died 1967.

    Location: VIETNAM. War: VIETNAM WAR (1965-1975).

    www.newseum.org/scripts/Journalist/Detail.asp?PhotoID=583 - Cached - Similar pages 


    Killed March 11 by misdirected U.S. artillery fire during a Viet Cong attack.

    He was a reporter and a photographer for several Kansas and Missouri newspapers, including the Topeka Daily Capital. He was 27.





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  • NewspaperARCHIVE.com

    ... (AP) Ronald D. Gallagher, a freelance photoghrapher 



    Ada Oklahoma Sunday March THE ADA EVENING NEWS   


    Page 13 Photographer Is Killed Saturday In Viet Fighting SAIGON 

    (AP) Ronald D Gallagher a freelance photographer who worked for Kansas and Missouri newspapers was killed Saturday while covering a unit of the U S 9th Infantry Division in a combat action about 20 miles south-southwest of Saigon He was 27 Gallagher was the ninth correspondent killed ... More than 30 news spondents have been wounded in the war Gallagher arrived in Vietnam last December and had planned to remain six to eight months He was accredited to the U S command here to work for the Topeka Kan Capital Journal the Joplin Mo Globe.





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    On 10-Feb-1967, Ron shared this actionable distilled insight (thinkLet):


    • "I like to think that I'm doing a far better service for my country by reporting the truth."   


    The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Victim, by Thomas Dixon


    "I'd as well tell you the truth now. I'm going to send you to Kentucky 

    ... "At the cost of precious hours I can give to better service for my country. ...

    www.gutenberg.org/files/18721/18721-h/18721-h.htm - Cached

    Cached - Similar pages


    Unintended Consequences: Free Speech Archives  


    His involvement with Vietnam began in 1964, when he joined a team

    analyzing information about the United States support of the government of South Vietnam. ...



    Ellsberg opens his book with an anecdotal memoir of his early years, which included service as a Marine infantry officer, and post graduate studies of game theory at Harvard. His involvement with Vietnam began in 1964, when he joined a team analyzing information about the United States support of the government of South Vietnam.  


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    • KU-Lawrence Windmill Hill Mansion "Ghost Stories" (6o31pm)  

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