ESC: Environmental Stewardship Champions ...
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- Filled with historical, cultural, and environmental experiences
- guaranteed to be fun and educational for all ages!
--Beverly Worster - Education Director, The Land Institute ( Prairie Writers Circle)
Worster received a Bachelor of Arts in 1963 and a Master of Arts in 1964 from the University of Kansas.
He continued his education at Yale University, earning an M.Phil. in 1970 and a PhD. in 1971.
He is considered one of the founders of, and leading figures in, the field of environmental history.
- Also see global UNEP efforts: To support interdisciplinary Earth Science, EPA funds both KACEE and KAWS
to create a sustainable sense of place in space by understanding the water cycle within watershed basins.
RJBurkhart 16:02, 28 January 2006 (UTC)
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27 Aug 2005 by geoWIZard
Traveler Magazine touts Lawrence National Geographic publication cites river city as dynamic destination
By Chad Lawhorn, Bill Snead Saturday, August 27, 2005 EcoTrekUSA-i4C mapXchange.
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17 Oct 2005 by geoWIZard
Exploring the Kaw Valley by Lynn Byczynski
... All proceeds go to further StreamLink's outreach programs and improve YOUR watershed. ...
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Our "Heartland Hyperport" prototypes explores Blended v-Learning
... for Adopt-A-Wetland/CERT pilot ACCTTS-LLC is proposing to USEPA-R7 ...
Co-Piloting JoCo Parks & Rec "Highpoints Scavenger Hunt"
... Edu-Trek(cc) Hyperport; MentorshipARTist
... wikkipedia geoWIZard; EcoTrekUSA-i4C mapXchange ...
City of Lawrence, KS | SDAT Final Report: June 2007 (PDF, 1.9 MB).
- View the Nov. 3, 2006 AIA SDAT presentation (PDF, 8.34 MB).
- AIA Final Report ... Sustainable Design Assessment Team
- AIA Selects Lawrence, Kansas for CommUNITY Assistance ...
Read more about GIS and Remote Sensing.
In order to manage the complex issues affecting the nation's MPAs, managers often turn to technology for help in understanding and analyzing the resources and environments of their MPAs. MPA managers and scientists are increasingly using geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing to map and analyze the resources under their jurisdiction.
For more information on the NOAA Coastal Services Center’s GIS Integration and Development Program, go to
For information about the NOAA Coastal Services Center’s Coastal Remote Sensing Program, visit
ALL-WinWin: PREsponse Systems Thinking (PST)
During January 2000, MECIA (Midwest Electronic Crime Investigators Association)
began crafting "Digital Jaywalker" Yahoo! e-Groups content as "CiberPAC-net thinkLets"
designed to H-E-L-P cultivate more high-yield "teachable moments" ...
minnesota-cpsr : Minnesota CPSR <-(Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility:
For all people in Minnesota that would like to discuss Minnesota's Telecommunication Strategic Plan
or other CPSR topics. Rog Rydberg ... <-(MentorshipART)
As General Mills information systems "Operational Continuity" auditors (who incubated
we began distilling "lessons learned" as Anti-CyberCrime TeamTutoring Solutions -> (dba ACCTTS-LLC)
During Jan-2001, our collaborative efforts guided me to a HICSS-34 global stage hosted by UH-Manoa/Oahu
where I completed my KU-MBA/MS graduate studies as multi-disciplinary "Information Science" (1971)
Please preview "blurb" at
Background Perspectives:
While completing graduate studies, I somehow became UH-Manoa's
F1RST certified ethical HACKER ...
Testing JCL (for an undergrad B-School Simulation Game Driver) disrupted the campus network!
(A) My 1965 KU B-School internship with Gulf Oil's petroleum management accounting systems
gave me valuable insights about having "built-in" Integrity Assurance (IA) protocols ...
(B) My duties at FOCCPAC-Kunia (1968-71) involved prototyping "Sea Surveillance Systems"
that "blended" sensitive current intelligence sources with current operations monitoring!
General Introduction
(C) The NDC/C322 crew's prototype applications pre-staged West Maui's
Our on-demand "Contact Area Summary Position Estimate Reports" (CASPER) supported both
JCS Task Force 130 & USCG-RCC14 operations supporting NASA's Apollo Capsule Recovery.
(D) I declined my 1971 appointment to Naval Postgraduate School
CincPacFlt-JCS "censors" rejected our post-Apollo-13 (ASW-NCAPS feedback) proposal
to reduce GIGO-Mindsets with a new Reported Area Position Exception (RAPE) report.
Where GIGO means "Garbage In?" but "Gospel Out!"
(E) Automatic configuration exception detection for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
was prototyped as InspectorScan(sm) while I was Shavlik Technologies' Product Manager!
It's distributed at
(PDF) Software QA and Testing Resource Center <-(Presponse Systems Thinking)
1996-2000 by Rick Hower. Software QA and Testing Frequently-Asked-Questions
(Parts 1 and 2). Software QA & Testing Resources for "Information Assurance" ...
Available at: <-(477KB)
As a USNR drilling reservist (1971-1981),
I got "Ops Research" experience evaluating Unisys NTDS Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
operating under "high-stress" crisis management conditions using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Working with MnDEM's Director (1993-95), we influenced the "Minnesota OnePlan" used for Red River of the North Flooding!
During that timeframe, we supported the Minnesota Industrial Security Awareness Council (MISAC). It served as a model for the Minnesota FEB/FBI InfraGard Alliance Chapter(s) since implemented on an inter-regional scale!
Today's DHS-DoD Civil Defense/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) doesn't
consistently exercise "Presponse Systems Thinking" (PST) except for
US Coast Guard (USCG) Marine Safety Offices (MSO)
plus Search AND Rescue (SAR) detachments ...
When I learned Roger's NJ teen-age grandson's DEATH
was from "Groundwater contamination" ... we launched our inter-regional \"Future Thought\" Leadership Learning Collaboratory (LLC)
where KM=Knowledge Management & SE=Social Engineering
@ ***
Note: We already adapted USS CIMarron (AO-22) "Pass-Down-the-Line" (PDL) protocols
(I'd experienced) via Minnesota Joint Computer Conference (MJCC) peer mentoring.
via <-(PST Diagram)
We had "ALL-WinWin" peer mentoring support from Navy veteran Earl C. Joseph, Sr.
[Please preview the ECJ-Biography/Obituary hyperlinks at]
Be Aware or BEWARE! ... Prepared minds favor chance ...
with (Philip B. Crosby)
Think Globally / *Interact Regionally* / Learn (LNT) Locally
CBI: Collections > Archives & Manuscripts
Upon entering the site, all Archives and Special Collections units with finding aids
... Minnesota Joint Computer Conference (MJCC) Records (CBI 173) ...
@ <- Source of CDC-160/1604 Systems
NAVCOSSACT based at the Washington Navy Yard provided systems and training support.
JOVIAL was used as the CDC 1604's main programming language while octal
was used to program shared services supported by the CDC 160A.
fyi - During 1969, Fleet Operations Control Center, Pacific (FOCCPAC at Kunia) on Oahu in Hawaii launched an Automated Control Environment (ACE) using a cluster of five (5) CDC 160As to supervise a multi-tasking network of four (4) CDC 1604's.
The third version of the PLATO computer-based *educational system* was implemented on a CDC-1604.
4 degrees of separation via
CDC 1604 ...
Oregon Trail
Mount Oread
>> For emigrants going westward by wagon train on the Oregon Trail, "The Hill", as Mount Oread is now commonly referred to by residents of Lawrence, was the next big topographical challenge after crossing the Wakarusa River near today's Haskell Indian Nations University. <<
... MAoP (Stewardship) Community of Practice (CoP)
@ ...

+ + +

25 Dec 2005 by geoWIZard
... (Kaw) River Valley now offers the StreamLink SHOP focused on creating and sharing outdoor watershed studies and explorations.
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... CONTACT: Bryce Hirschman, GIS Coordinator, (785) 832-3325
- Detailed maps added to city's website (LAWRENCE, KS)
Name, Cook, Karen Severud (University of Kansas Map Associates Liaison)
Title, Manuscripts Librarian. Department, Libraries.
Address, Spencer Research Library 1450 Poplar Lane Lawrence, KS 66045-7616
KU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The Arts. Ad Astra Poetry Project
... Current Kansas Poet Laureate Denise Low shares favorite poets with Kansas ties
The interim dean of the College of Humanities and Arts at Haskell Indian Nations
.... The Ad Astra Poetry Project that I am working on should be a great new ...
+ + +
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