
Kaw Valley Heritage Trails

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 12 years, 6 months ago Saved with comment


Westport to Wakarusa: Watershed Eco-Challenge ...


imaginationPLACE ... UNEP ECubed



Current Reality Assessments (CRA) became our social responsibility framework.


It enabled ACCTTS-LLC to prototype this ALL-WinWin Eco-Futures Forum (EFF)

using Anticipatory Thinking Involution group decision support systems as EarthSea-Keepers ...


Visit Fireside Learning: Conversations about Education


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Our (shared) history gives us a sense of place.

It defines who we are and GUIDES us in charting the future.


Sustaining a Sense of Place in Space:


Ridges of Leavenworth County



Charting the Future - Historical Society of New Santa Fe (NW Missouri)


OneKC Earth Day Celebration Event at Indian Creek Trail

The Community Assistance Council, Historical Society of New Santa Fe, Holmeswood Baptist Church, KCMO Parks and Recreation Department, and the Linden Hill Homes Association join forces to beautify the OPKS Indian Creek Trail ...


Location: Indian Creek Hike/Bike Trail at the Trailside Center

Map: Destination directions for 9901 Holmes Road; KCMO 64131 


Click digram below to access hyperportal:

Bioneering Future History






  • America the Vulnerable by Stephen Flynn (ISBN 0-06-057129-2)
  • Global Business by Koslow and Scarlett (ISBN 0-88415-753-9)
  • Listening Point by Sigurd F. Olson (ISBN 0-8166-2996-X)
  • Results on Target by Bruce Dillman (ISBN 0-944112-12-9)


  • Savage Wars of Peace by Max Boot (2003) (ISBN 0-465-00721-X)
  • The Revenge of Gaia by James Lovelock (ISBN-10 0-465-04168-X)
  • War Made New: Technology, Warfare and the Course of History ... (ISBN: 1592402224)


Return to: Prairie Passage Eco-Futures Forum (EFF)


Ideas for the paper

Knowledge Factor is the only company in the world that delivers mastery. We can say this because our patented Confidence-Based LearningTM System is the only product that develops both confidence and knowledge - ensuring that employees know what they need to know and that they have enough confidence in their knowledge to perform well.


Thesis here?


Direction you want to take the research/paper


Pioneering Geotourism via RO/CS Bioneer adVenturing(cc)

  • Geotourism is closely related to Tourism Earthscience, which "is the combination of tourist geography and tourist geology and concerns the investigation, evaluation, exploration and protection of tourism resources," said Chen Anze, a geological expert and pioneer of geotourism in China.


  • The idea of Tourism Earthscience, created in 1985, refers to a branch of tourism that capitalizes on the geographical characteristics of a place, including geological environment, heritage, aesthetics and culture.


  • Experience Wakarusa Watershed ... StoryTech "Trails-n-Tales"(cc)


What is sustainable “ALL-WinWin” Agritourism? <- WinZip Archive Download (5.3MB)


National Geographic sustainable geotourism:


The 8th World Wilderness Congress (WWC) announced on October 10, 2005 that it has officially endorsed the principles of National Geographic's Geotourism Charter, thus becoming the first major global assembly to do so.


Romania has joined the growing community of countries that have formally committed to wisely managed tourism development and destination stewardship.


Partnering with the National Geographic Society, the Honduran government recently announced its plan to become the first country with an official "geotourism" strategy.


What are Americans' attitudes about travel? Geotourism editor Jonathan Tourtellot examines some surprising findings from a joint survey by National Geographic Traveler and an industry trade group. Plus, news on an environmentally-responsible cruise line.



Oregon_Trail_2011.pdf ... SantaFeTrail_2011.pdf ... lawrence_geology_brochure_2011.pdf

National Geographic destination stewardship:


  • Destination Scorecards



National Geographic Traveler reveals how the magazine determined 

"which of the world's great destinations remain great and which may be in trouble."



In March 2004, National Geographic Traveler magazine rated 115 destinations for sustainable-tourism practices. 

In response to the "Destination Scorecard," some vacation hotspots are taking action.


Content Matches: 7+


Need to do any interviews for primary sources?





Social Ecology: A New Pathway to (Wakarusa) Watershed Restoration

  • James Kent - Biography

Under JKA the concept of a Human Geographic Issue Management System (HGIMS) was published.

The Discovery Process and HGIMS have been combined ...


KU ScholarWorks CoP: Browsing by Date

The Digital Difference: Responsible Conduct of Research in a Networked World,


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

Citations:APA style: World Food Summit. (n.d.) Acronym Finder. (2005). Retrieved December 5 2006 from http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/World+Food+Summit


Chicago style: Acronym Finder. S.v. "World Food Summit." Retrieved December 5 2006 from http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/World+Food+Summit


MLA style: "World Food Summit." Acronym Finder. 2005. Mountain Data Systems 5 Dec. 2006 http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/World+Food+Summit



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