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The traders and trappers shown in C.M. Russell's "Carson's Men" understood and respected the "Gospel of the Red Man" ... it was co-authored by naturalist and woodcraftsman Ernest Thompson Seton while aboard RMS Queen Mary in 1935 ... I’m delighted to find creative signs of “sea changes” in future thought leadership learning ...
Charles M. Russell. . . MentorshipART Gallery (pdf)
http://www.acctts.com/OPKansas/index8.htmALL-WinWin "Geographical Table of Contents"
Charles M. Russell · Online Catalogue Raisonné
University of Oklahoma | School of Art | Charles M. Russell Center
OU Campus Charles M. Russell Arts Center.mp4
MentorshipART OU Campus Connections.mp4Welcome to the University of Oklahoma Press
footrace: From the frontier adventures of Walter Cooper
"A Monster So Brutal:"Simon Girty and the Degenerative Myth ...
According to Charles McKnight's Our Western Border in Early Pioneer Days (1875), Girty not only assumed command of the Indians but also "concerted the plan of attack," which involved an elaborate ruse to lure the defenders of Bryan's Station, who included Daniel Boone, out of the settlement's fort.
Appearing before the fort with only a small portion of his Indian army, Girty called for the inhabitants to surrender, and, according to Theodore Roosevelt's The Winning of the West (1889), promised the defenders "that if forced to batter down the walls no quarter would be given to anyone" -- women and children included.
The defenders naturally refused, seeing only a small group of savages before their gate. In response, Girty's Indians directed a halfhearted assault against the fort and then withdrew. Thinking that Girty had decided to search out an easier target, the defenders of the fort began a hasty pursuit, convinced that Girty was at the head of only a small force and that the notorious renegade could be easily captured.
PBS - THE WEST - Theodore Roosevelt ... (Re*Cycling Manifest Destiny Myths?)
Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Where GBU = Global Brain Unity (Art into Art)
I began seeking Great Plains cultural heritage books by David Dary to discover missing clues about Lost Legends of La Flecha ... Tom Peters' Kan-ed Network Conference Keynote Rant (15-Jun-2005) inspired this imagination and place storytelling field research! See i4CQuest-thinkLets: RMS "Queen Mary" Cimarron Naval "Maritime Museum"
Buffalo "David Dary" OU Press storyteller legends
NSU Libraries - Technical Services - New Books (June 2006)
futurethought wiki / QuiveraQuest
futurethought wiki / InterDependence
Re*Cycling ALL-WinWin "Lessons Learned"
Maneuver warfare and the MarinesIn January 1980 Boyd gave his briefing Pattern of conflict at the Marines AWS (Amphibious Warfare School). This led to the instructor at the time, Michael Wyly, and Boyd changing the curriculum, with the blessing of General Trainor.
Trainor later asked Wyly to write a new tactics manual for the Marines. (Coram 382) Wyly then went on, with Lind and others, guided by General Alfred M. Gray, Jr. to write FMFM 1 (Warfighting).Wyly, Lind, and a few other junior officers are credited with developing concepts for what would become the Marine model of maneuver warfare.
Toward a handbook of organizational processes
Public School Review - Profiles of USA Public Schools
Organizational Processes and Leadership Requirements
Relationships between Bases of Power and Work Reactions: ...
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