
Manifest Destiny mapXchange

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 14 years, 1 month ago

Mindshifting via StoryTech thinkLets: 


Destiny ... Fifth Freedom ... GPSurvey ... heritage tourism ... Taos Topo Trail Maps


What's your research about? 

Co-creating FIFTH Freedom natural heritage activities (FFnha) Eco-Challenge

digital topographical map libraries with reusable learning objects (thinkLets


forum journal

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adopted by BLM,NPS,USFS,. Fish and Wildlife, and Federa Highways

and will be incorporated into nationwide standards for GIS trail data.

forum.nationaltrust.org/PDF/Fall%202007%20Journal.pdf - Similar pages


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MSN Encarta Extractive Economics

Americans developed the land’s natural resources in many other ways as well. They used water from the nation’s vast river systems to irrigate arid land and to transport people and goods. They built harbors for ports along the coastlines in order to ship and receive goods from all over the world. They exploited the forests and the fisheries, building major industries providing goods for domestic consumption and for export. 


Industry developed early in the United States. During the first half of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution spread from Europe and stimulated the rapid growth of industry in the Northeast. Raw materials were brought to the Northeast from other parts of the country by ship and by a rapidly expanding rail system. Industrial plants processed the raw material into finished products for export and for domestic consumption. 


From 1850 to 1920, industrial expansion continued and moved westward. Chicago, Illinois, became the leading meatpacking center of the United States. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, became synonymous with steel. Detroit, Michigan, emerged as the automobile capital of the world. Other large U.S. cities developed their own specialties. By the beginning of World War I (1914-1918), America had become the world’s greatest industrial giant. see United States (History). 


However, as Americans developed the land and its resources, they sometimes created environmental problems. Forests and natural grasslands began disappearing as early as colonial times (17th and 18th centuries), as settlers converted more and more wilderness into farmland. In the 20th century, urban sprawl and industrial expansion led to pollution of the air and water. A growing population, and its demands for a convenient lifestyle, generated tremendous amounts of pollution and waste. By the mid-1990s, Americans created 2.0 kg (4.3 lbs) of trash per person per day. Often the highest hill around a typical U.S. city consisted of the waste buried at the local sanitary landfill. See also Air Pollution; Water Pollution.


In the last 30 years of the 20th century, however, Americans have become more aware of environmental problems and have begun programs to reduce pollution and conserve natural areas. People also learned to recycle, to reuse resources, and to protect endangered species. See also Conservation.


Return to: Cimarron Cutoff mapXchange ... Gospel of the Redman ... Kanza Territory ... RiverRoots


Know Your Watershed Impact Zones

Web Services and the National Hydrography Dataset Plus

A variety of Web services that leverage the National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus) and information linked to the underlying NHD are now available or planned for the near future. The NHDPlus surface water drainage network enables Web-based up/downstream query of water quality information, including water quality assessments, water quality impairments, and permitted dischargers. This presentation will describe a collection of such Web services that are being delivered by the USGS and the USEPA.

Alan Rea, USGS, and Thomas Dewald, U.S. EPA
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posted by geoWIZard @ 9:05 AM 




 Focus of research paper



Military maps documenting overland railroad routes to western natural resource areas that enabled "manifest destiny" guided and influenced an evolving era characterized by North American inter-regional conflict and conquest (1821-2020).


Eastern empire-building attitudes strongly-influenced industrial age extractive economics as expanding immigrant populations challenged natural barriers to the limits of growth!




Kanzana, 1854-1900:

a selected bibliography of books,

pamphlets, and ephemera of Kansas.




    • ISBN 0-14-200058-2

           (David Dary - 2000: The Santa Fe Trail)

          Historic Route Truman "Santa Fe" "Oregon Trail"



While co-creating the Upper Mississippi River Recreation Area (UMRRA) Visitors' Center

at Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM), the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) adapted 

community-based outdoor http://Recreation.gov mapping 

pioneered by MnDNR Firewise/GeoScouting collaborative efforts.



Fresh Eyes on the Land:

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GeoXT dataloggers prior to a GPS survey on land ...

... George Sibley. Gene Simon. Southworth Bros.

Jack Spruance. John Stutzman. Julie Sullivan ...
quiviracoalition.org/images/pdfs/1018-2007_Conference_Program.pdf - Similar pages



Lesson 9: Data Modeling Using GIS

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... Geographic network is another good source of geographic information

Visit: http://www.GeographicNetwork.com  ...

See http://www.esri.com  ...


  • Eco-Challenge courseware ...


was first piloted in the 9-Mile Creek Metro Watershed District (MWD)

at the Minnesota River Port of Bloomington near Historic Fort Snelling.


    • Kansas Anthropological Association Journal (Vol 8.4-5)


          (Editor: Randall M. Thies - January 1988: Hard Chief's Village)


    • OCTA MET Manual: Mapping Emigrant Trails

      (Fourth Edition: Revised & Expanded - July 2002)
    • Where the Mountains Meet the Plains: The Cimmaron Country Past and Present

      (Collaborative Project by New Mexico's Cimarron Elementary 4th Grade Students - 2003) 



    Publisher: Spatial Climate Analysis Service, Oregon State University; USDA - NRCS National Water and Climate Center, Portland, Oregon; USDA - NRCS National Cartography and Geospatial Center, Fort Worth, Texas
    Content Title: United States Average Annual Precipitation
    Coverage Area: United States
    Map Scale: 1:2000000
    Service Type: ArcIMS Image Service
    Latest Status: Service Running

    United States Average Annual Precipitation

    Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
    Content Title: Watersheds of the United States Image Service
    Coverage Area: United States
    Map Scale: 1:2000000
    Service Type: ArcIMS Image Service
    Latest Status: Service Running

    Watersheds of the United States



    MnSCU-iTeach 2002: Blended Visual Learning geoWIZard :: Know Your  Watershed Impact Zones & Wilderness Inquiry Zones (WIZ) 


    The technology providing the map services is produced by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), a supplier of GIS software and related services.


    What do you think?

    Please let us know how you like the IMC and what sort of maps or services you would like to see in the future.

    Thank you. (send email to maps@tekkie.itc.nps.gov)


    Content Citation:
      Title of Content:   Interactive Map Center  
      Type of Content:   Applications 
      Content Publisher:   NPS 
      Publication Date:   2002-07-06 

    Content Description:
      Content Summary:  The NPS Interactive Map Center provides access to dynamic maps of the park system. Use the Map Center to find maps that meet your specific criteria and then generate custom maps to print or download. Maps are available for all the national parks and monuments but the site features park specific data for Yellowstone and Gettysburg.
      Content Purpose:  The site is provided for educational purposes.
      Content Themes:   Environment and conservation 

    Content Status:
      Progress:   Completed 
      Update Frequency:   As needed 

    Spatial Domain:
      West Coordinate:   -169 
      East Coordinate:   -64 
      North Coordinate:   71 
      South Coordinate:   19 
      Coverage Area:   United States 

    Content Keywords:
      Theme Keywords:   parks, monuments 
      Place Keywords:   United States, Yellowstone, Gettysburg 

    Spatial Data Information:
      Data Type:   Vector 

    Access and Usage Information:
      Other Constraints:  Access constraints: None.Use constraints: None.



Virtual Team Tactics Directions ...


Adopt participative/peer learning

framework Virtual Team Tactics



Provide Inspiration 3-D perspectives

on Integrating Anticipatory Thinking

Innovation - Invention - Insights & IMPACTS

with Decision Science & ethical information sharing . . .



2002-N23 at 06:55 CST



Enable & encourage "Anticipatory Thinking Integration" (ATI)

via ends-means forecasting cybernetics (goal-directed behavior)

with local, regional & global community impacts assessments (CIA)



Situation Summary [See Below]



Modified i4FTL Method


*A* Environmental (Global Impacts)


*B* Economic (Community Impacts)


*C* Political (Free Will Wildcards)


*D* Social Capital (TRUST Building)


Advantages (Benefits)



Learn / Relearn Lessons




Disadvantages (Hurdles)

*1* Issues

*2* Barriers

*3* Challenges



Adopt BLURred Critical (ABC) thinking framework with an alternative outcomes focus.


CommUNITY STEWARDship 2008:

I’m delighted to find creative signs of “sea changes”

in future thought leadership learning ... 


YouTube - The Survival Pages ~ February 2007

If you have an opinion please respond! and check out my blog at
Watch video - 2 min 18 sec - Rated 0.0 out of 5.0


The Survival Pages. "The Survival Pages;

From the Brink of Extinction" is the title of a performance at Intermedia Arts in Minneapolis
thesurvivalpages.blogspot.com/ - Cached - Similar pages


The Survival Pages. http://thesurvivalpages.blogspot.com.

Blog Archive. ▼ 2007 (2). ▼ August (2). Quips; MamaEarthDance. About Me. 


Primary source interviews?


David J. Welch is a retired engineer who pursued his interest in family and western history as a volunteer with the Oregon-California Trails Association. He has served as OCTA's President, as a member of the board of directors, and as OCTA National Preservation Officer since 2001.

For more information about OCTA Chapters, events and historic trail stewardship programs, Please visit www.octa-trails.org


Judith R. McNeill May ...

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maintenance of all computer and GPS related hardware and software,

.... maps and artifact records. Dir: David J. Welch. Feb-Apr 1981 ...
www.iarii.org/Graphics/CV/McNeill.pdf - Similar pages


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David J. Welch, National Preservation Officer, Oregon-California Trails Association, ...

... to map invasive weeds on refuges using GPS units. Website: ...
cooperativeconservation.gov/team/FacesPlacesAppendix.pdf - Similar pages -


  • Yoga With Delana Thompson


    Burkhart-Sculptor.com The amazing artwork of Brad Burkhart, Escultor del Corazon.

    ... Earthdance.org A global phenomenon. Give peace a dance. ...
    yogawithdelana.com/links.html - Cached - Similar pages


    Video Producers - Arts Entertainment Media ...


    Chris Deckker - Festival Producer - Earthdance.org

     ... Apply to: Brian Burkhart, 7th Wave Communications,

    120 Tower Drive, Burr Ridge, Il 60527, ...

    + + + 

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