Paperback, January 1987 Publisher: River Microstudies ISBN: 0962586501.
New Book Price: ... Fort Davis, TX 1992 Trade Paperback Reprint Very Good. ...
Fort Davis, TX : River Microstudies, 1993. ... John EL Congress at the Iron Banks?
Added Title: Columbus, KY as the nation's capital. ISBN: 096258651X ...
Discover the Highways That Opened a Continent. 2nd ed.
(Print-Non-Fiction). Huck, Barbara, et al.
Heartland Associates Inc., 2002. 288 p.
ISBN 1-896150-20-9 ($29.95 pbk.) (CAN)
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- Monday, June 2, 2003:
- Although Russia and Kansas are on opposite sides of the Earth,
- they face similar ecological problems.
- As old board departs, new evolution stance takes shape ...
- So did Friends of the Kaw and the Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance,
- which work to clean up and preserve the environment along the Kansas River.
- The Sierra Club and Audubon Society both have chapters in Lawrence.
- The Alliance for the Conservation of Open Space encompasses many of those groups.
always open to the public for fishing and boating but permission must be obtained
to cross private ground to gain access to the river except at developed public access sites.
- For information, call Erika Nighswonger at (620) 672-5911.
- A registration form, available from KDWP,
- may be completed and faxed to Nighswonger at (620) 672-6020.
- Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) Assistant Director Paul Liechti pointed out there is a risk
- that Clinton Lake could get a toxic algae bloom that would shut down the whole system.
The more nutrients in the water, the more likely a toxic bloom of blue green algae, cyanobacteria, could appear, Liechti said.
The chances of a dangerous algae bloom are reduced if the amount of nutrient enrichment is kept low ...
Liechti said even if there weren’t farming going on in the watershed, the lake would still eventually go “eutrophic” (the scientific term for a nutrient-filled lake). “We’re just trying to keep it from getting too old too fast, by managing what’s going on,” he said.
While tracing James B. Hickok's westward trail from Monticello Township Kansas,
I adapted High-Tech/Touch "social network analysis" ( methods
from my last 21-year career guiding Anti-CyberCrime Team-Tutoring Services (dba ACCTTS-LLC)
("Manifest Destiny" Chouteau Franklin Jefferson Mexico Paris Roosevelt)
- 1845 - James K. Polk Doctrine, Manifest Destiny.
- 1903 - Big Stick diplomacy: Theodore Roosevelt
refers to U.S. policy as "speaking softly and carrying ... - Cached - Similar pages
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(Social Entrepreneurship/Social Responsibility Pathfinders).
The unprecedented immediacy of information at our fingertips has made us increasingly aware of ... - Similar pages |
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USNR-Ret (Guide: KU Sigma Nu Social Responsibility Pathfinders).
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Long-distance relationships
- Nature Neuroscience (KM/SE: Mapping MentorshipART Memes)
>> This minitrack invites submissions that explore how an analysis of social cognition, socially-situated cognition, and/or distributed cognition can inform the management of organizational knowledge and the design and/or deployment of knowledge management systems.
Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to:
- Ontologies and epistemologies for social cognition in organizational knowledge management or KMS definition and use:
vDifferent paradigms/concepts for representing individual, shared, or distributed knowledge in organizational knowledge processes.
vProcess or factor models of socially-situated, socio-cognitive, or distributed cognition in knowledge management or KMS design and use.
v Use of network approaches (e.g. social network analysis, actor network theory) to investigate multiple or distributed knowledge perspectives. <<
KU Osher LIfelong Learning Institute: Discussion Forums
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