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Wakarusa Wetland Learners. an environmental awareness project of the Jayhawk Audubon
... Posted by KVHA at 6:38 PM 0 comments. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) ...
Wakarusa Wetland Learners fieldtrips are back for the 08/09 school year!
... KVHA/SL and project volunteers determine the activities to be offered ...
Wakarusa Wetland Learners
... KVHA. Wetland Learners is a partnership project of the Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance. ...
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Wakarusa Wetland Learners project has. scheduled the last 6 trips for this spring.
Thanks to the. support of JAS, KVHA, KBS and individual facilitator ...
Watershed Processes and Modeling
This project conducts research in watershed processes and modeling. Work is done in cooperation with USGS projects and personnel located in Throughout the United States.
The main purpose of this Web page is to "point" the reader to published material produced by the project.
Some ongoing and recently completed areas of research are:
Links of interest:
For further information or copies of the publications, please contact:
David Wolock
U.S. Geological Survey
4821 Quail Crest Place
Lawrence, KS 66049-3839
Telephone: 785-832-3528
FAX: 785-832-3500
The Kansas River (locally known as the Kaw), formed by the junction of the Smoky ... and Wichita in the heart of the Bluestem Region of the Flint Hills ... - Cached - Similar pages
150 Years Later ... (4-Dec-2005)
1854-1861: Prelude to Civil War seen during feuding in Lawrence area
DATE: February 20, 2007 TO: Upper Republican ...
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GIS Data Base Development continued in FY 2006, with four new data bases
... and ...
How the West was Seen:
Kammen, Michael G.
Reviews in American History - Volume 31, Number 3, September 2003, pp. 406-413
The Johns Hopkins University Press
Photography and the American West. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. xiii + 402 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $39.95.
Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West. New York: Viking, 2003. 305 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $25.95.
With these two truly splendid and connected works, we can see the range and diversity of the historian's craft as practiced today. The Sandweiss book, written by an academic, is panoramic in its sweeping scope, narrative sequencing, and clarity of vision. The Solnit book, by an independent writer, is far more allusive and seemingly narrower in scope, yet it uses the major episodes and achievements in Muybridge's life to illuminate larger aspects of Western history in the later nineteenth century.
Solnit devotes much greater emphasis to continuities and discontinuities between then and now: how much Muybridge's work contributed to the genesis of cinema and the world of modern entertainment, yet how dramatically different his world was from ours. River of Shadows is an achievement of the creative historical imagination.
Edu Case Study ...
Nov 1, 2007 ... (All Saints Day)
Mark Frydenberg, Bentley College
PBwiki and Camtasia - Changing the Way I Teach
College students today live in a world filled with social media and interactive technology. In my Technology Intensive IT 101 class at Bentley College, the question for me isn’t how do I teach students about new technologies– but rather, how do I teach with them?
Two software tools that have had the greatest impact on the way that I teach this course these days are PBWiki and Camtasia Studio. Both invite students to become involved in the process of creating course content, and sharing their knowledge with their classmates.
So how has PBWiki changed the way that I teach?
NatureServe and National Geographic Society Form Alliance
to Advance Conservation and Education .. May 17, 2007
This project aims to increase the pace and effectiveness of land protection investments in the United States by inspiring and informing place-based, collaborative conservation efforts in every state. Harnessing the best available conservation science and information technology, the partners will create an interactive online “encyclopedia” with a state-of-the-art map viewer that integrates detailed maps, text, photos, statistics, audio, and video about America’s natural places
Grouped by articles that are either in-works or have been completed
Articles I'm Exploring
their communities. This podcast was recorded at the 2006 User Conference.
Keynote Bob Kerrey, President, The New School, and Former U.S. Senator, Nebraska
Bob Kerrey delivers the Keynote (MP3: 13 MB) and shares his insights on public policy.
4-H Presentation by 4-H Delegates
Listen or download: MP3 (17:59 | 6.21 MB)
Delegates from 4-H present on their use of GIS technology within their communities.
Subscribe to ESRI RSS Feeds & Podcasts
- KAWS-I70E Chapter: Kansas Alliance of Wetlands and Streams & KSWRAPS-FAQ
- mapXchange: Kansas - Douglas County Base Map
- mapxchange: Interactive Mapping - City of Lawrence, KS
The Nine Mile Creek Conservation Council (NMCCC)
mission is to protect the watershed ecosystem associated with Nine Mile Creek in Syracuse, New York
from degradation, and to support continued recovery of this area to realize
its full potential value to the community.
Articles I've Surveyed
GIS systems provide a great advantage in protecting our natural resources,
wherever they are located—in cities or the countryside and in natural or man-made environments.
Kelly Writer, Arborist, Cambridge Department of Public Works
Read this best practice
(PDF-2.51 MB, 26 pages)
- mapxchange: KDHE-WRAPS Interactive Project Mapping
- mapXchange: Upper Wakarusa Watershed -> mapygon (Shaded Area)
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