
HINU Cultural Center

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 14 years, 10 months ago

i4CQuest-Keywords: 2010 Haskell "Indian Nations" University "Cultural Center" ... artOFpeace

You are invited to share your GIS work with other attendees of the MidAmerica GIS Symposium

by presenting a poster or a computer-based exhibit. The Project Showcase will be held:

Tuesday night, April 20th, 2010, from 5:30 to 8:00 P.M.



HINU-125: Where Words Touch The Earth ... "Mystic Lake Declaration" PBworks.com


Haskell Indian Nations University Cultural Center & Museum ...


Secondary Navigation. 2010 SGMP Annual Conference ...

Image of Haskell Indian Nations University Cultural Center & Museum. TYPE: Museums ...

www.visitkc.com/SGMP-KC/things-do/member.../index.aspx?id... - Cached

  1. Haskell Indian Nations University - Wikipedia

    Haskell Indian Nations University is a four-year degree-granting university  ...

    The Haskell Cultural Center is a museum and archive collecting indigenous American ....

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haskell_Indian_Nations_University - Cached - Similar

  2. Haskell Indian Nations University Information, Academics ...

    Students at Haskell Indian Nations University pay Student Fees by semester. ...

    find the Haskell Cultural Center indigenous American museum and archive ...

    Show map of 155 E Indian Ave, Lawrence, KS 66046
    www.stateuniversity.com/.../Haskell_Indian_Nations_University.html - Cached - Similar
  3. Haskell Indian Nations University president keynotes program on ...

    Feb 2, 2009 ... BLOOMINGTON, Ind. --

    Dr. Linda Sue Warner, president of Haskell Indian Nations University,

    will be the keynote speaker of a symposium Friday ...

    newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/9774.html - Cached - Similar




Haskell Indian Nations University by Josh - Google 3D Warehouse


The buildings of the Haskell campus were made by undergraduate GIS researchers

at Haskell University. http://www.haskell.edu/gis

sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/cldetails?mid...prevstart=0 - Cached

  1. A History of Haskell: "Indian Nations University"; Part II  ...

    What is now Haskell Indian Nations University ... clash of cultures. ...

    $1.1 million Haskell Cultural Center & Museum ... first students to attend Haskell ...

    www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-494871151.html - Cached

  2. Cultural center to showcase tribal college's history. (noteworthy ...

    Cultural center to showcase tribal college's history. (noteworthy news).(Haskell -

    LAWRENCE, KAN. Reminders of Haskell Indian Nations University's origin ...

    www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-92800198.html - Cached


YouTube plugin error

Cultural center to showcase tribal college's history - noteworthy ...

Reminders of Haskell Indian Nations University's origins as a boarding school to educate and ...

children greeted visitors at the formal opening of its new Museum and Cultural Center. ....  

2010  CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. ...

 findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0DXK/is_17_19/ai_92800198/ - Cached


MAGIC-GIS Conference Abstract (Apr-2010)



In 2007, following several major natural disasters in Kansas, the GIS Department in Jefferson County designed a project to collect GPS utility data for all eight cities in the county. The cities agreed that GPS data would be beneficial not only in emergency situations, but for regular utility operations.


The GIS Department contacted the Kansas Rural Water Association, a non-profit organization offering post-processed GPS collection using ArcPad to local governments at cost. Each of the cities in Jefferson County have less than 2,000 people, so the County devised a cost-sharing plan where each city paid for KRWAs hourly data collection and the GIS Department paid for travel and lodging.


Through a Kansas Water Office grant opportunity, the cities received 50% reimbursement for water collection. The GIS Department provided data storage and backup through ArcSDE and data viewing through a secure map website showing GPS and county data using ArcGIS Server.  http://www.magicgis.org/magic/symposiums/2010/view_abstract.cfm?pres_id=271 


Haskell Indian Nations University Herb Garden in Lawrence, Kansas

The message reads: “May Peace Prevail on Earth.”

Haskell Indian Nations University Cultural Center and Museum Lawrence, Kansas http://www.haskell.edu ...

www.herbcompanion.com/.../herbal-escape-haskell-indian-nations-university-herb-garden-in-lawrence-kansas.aspx - Cached



Confidence-Based Quantum  Learning Anti-Bias Curriculum (ABC)


DIKW ... Indigenous Mapping Network (2010-Apr-21)

Danny Rowland
Undergraduate Student,
Haskell Indian Nations University

Determining Mountaintop Mining Locations

in West Virginia Using Elevation Datasets

View Presentation

Best Undergraduate Presentation

Josh Campbell
Graduate Student,
Department of Geography
University of Kansas

The Flat Map:

A Perception Approach

To Modeling Flat Terrain

View Presentation


UNITY Peace Vision

Comments (3)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 9:43 am on Apr 27, 2010

This poster session features collaborative GIS programs empowering Haskell Indian Nations University American Indian Studies. AIS interns are funded by NSF EPSCOR grants to empower effective Indigenous Nation higher education knowledge, skills and abilities.

Haskell University's Cultural Center engaged with U.S. National Park Service to interpret traditional ecological knowledge for our new Freedoms Frontier National Heritage Area. N. Scott Momaday's shared sense of place observation is the focus of Carol Burns' indigenous film connecting water quality & quality of life.
Rev-3: This reframed poster session was submitted to 2010 MAGIC-GIS Conference (Kansas City) about integration of GIS-based mapping to authentically interpret our shared sense of place in space: http://futurethought.pbworks.com/HINU-Cultural-Center

Also see "Mystic Lake Declaration"

Inspired by RED ALERT! Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge by Damiel R. Wildcat (ISBN-13: 978-1-55591-637-4)

It amplifies Bob Gough's summary of "The Indigenous Mapping Network - Google Tribal Geo Tech Workshop" at our last American Indian Alaska Native Climate Change Working Group (AIANCCWG)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 4:40 am on Apr 16, 2010

KU-CTB Source-URL: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tablecontents/sub_section_tools_1198.htm

Survival Skills for Advocates

Tools & Checklists Contributed by Eric Wadud, Tom Seekins, and Stephen B. Fawcett Edited by Bill Berkowitz and Jerry Schultz

Here, you'll find a checklist summarizing the major points contained in the text.

Try these survival skills for advocacy:

___Accentuate the positive

___Emphasize your organization's accomplishments to the community

___Plan for small wins

___Present the issues in the way you want others to see them

___Develop your own public identity

___Check your facts

___Keep it simple

___Be passionate and persistent

___Be prepared to compromise

___Be opportunistic and creative

___Stay your course

___Look for the good in others

___Keep your eyes on the prize

___Make issues local and relevant

___Get broad based support from the start

___Work within the experiences of your group members

___Try to work outside the experiences of your opponents

___Make your opponents play by their own rules

___Tie your advocacy group's efforts to related events

___Enjoy yourself!

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 4:15 am on Apr 14, 2010

Crafting No Child Left Inside ARTifacts for adaptive outdoor recreation "Eco-Challenges"
Empower consequential learning for "Know Your Wilderness Inquiry Zones" (WIZ)
Our "Trails-n-Tails" (TnT) theme:
[A] Reflects actionable distilled insights (WIZdom) for "EarthSea-Keeping" group activities
[B] Builds on FutureThought Leadership experiences with blended "Visual Learning" hyperportals
[C] Creates sharable community stewardship stories about "geoWIZard" MentorshipART ... Rev: 25-Jan-2009
Source-URL: http://geoventuring-lnt.blogspot.com/2009/10/spaceship-earth-all-we-have.html

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