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Beltway Blogroll memetics

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 14 years, 3 months ago


University of Hawaii at Manoa Shidler School of Business :: HICSS Track & Minitrack
    COLLABORATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY - Advances in Teaching and Learning

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HICSS-44 #1216

Confidence-Based Quantum Learning (CBQL) ...

Look at the submission.


Beltway Blogroll


I produced an "Inside The Blogway" map of my own back in January
when I spoke to journalism students about blogs and the future of media. I thought Beltway ...
beltwayblogroll.nationaljournal.com/archives/technology/ - Cached



"digital era" "progressive netroots" "liberal blogosphere" future thought leadership learning collaborative influence


First derivative search memes reflect thinkLets

from EPILOGUE of Taking On the System:
Rules for Radical Change in a Digital Era


Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Daily weblog with political analysis on US current events from a liberal perspective.




In other words, collaborative leaders have ......
Ironically, liberal dogma—a belief in regional planning and public works ...


Re*Cycled Keywords: 

liberal blogosphere "future thought" "collaborative leaders"


Second derivative search memes are crafted
from cached keywords above ...



In other words, collaborative leaders have to be chameleon coalition builders.
The glue for collaborating is the same as the glue for families and ...


Other publications explore inter-organizational collaboration among higher education institutions, the use of geographic information systems (for mapping data across geography) as a policy tool, wage inequities by sex, collaboration in higher education, and the impact of anti-affirmative action policies on underrepresented student access.



Oct 23, 2009 ... self-monitoring, which is the ability to fit into multiple situations
and environments as needed. In other words, collaborative leaders have ...


Jun 18, 2010 ...
Ironically, liberal dogma—a belief in regional planning and public works
has become a good business retention and attraction model today. ...


How the Future Forces Add Up

The implications of these trends could drive businesses around the world to either rethink their business models or make significant changes to the ways in which they interact with their customers. As time frames shrink, reactionary businesses will struggle to survive, while firms that engage in proactive, long-range research into the needs of their customers will have a higher likelihood of success.


It is important to remain futurevigilant:
New forces will likely emerge with new impacts, while some of the trends described above could fade in importance in coming decades. Astute organizations will combine aggressive research programs with scenario planning to help chart their way through coming decades. Those who don't may be facing a series of "icons on a cash register."


Let Freedom Ring Ship's Bell Display Dedication

July 4, 2010

12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
VFW Post 6654
33723 W 84th St
De Soto, Kans.
County: Johnson

Partners in Patriotism BSA Centennial Eagle Scout Project for "Let Freedom Ring" Celebration ...
Rivers are both byways and barriers. To understand history, first understand rivers.


Comments (2)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:21 am on Jun 20, 2010

OCTA-Trails Kanza Chapter Wakarusa River Crossing
June 13, 2010

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Watkins Community Museum
11th & Massachusetts St
Lawrence, Kans.
County: Douglas

Judge Fred Six presents Blanton's Crossing on the Wakarusa River just south of Lawrence ...

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 2:39 am on Jun 20, 2010

Picasa Web Albums - geoWIZard - South Lawrence Trafficway Prelude ...

Highway INFRAstructure (Selfish Genes) vs Habitat INFOstructure (Smart Memes)?
http://minnesotafuturist.pbworks.com/GodLite%20i4CQuest#comment1274291327 ...

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