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Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 14 years, 4 months ago

Home ... http://www.lawrenceoptimists.com/index.htm 

bullet 08EssayContestCoverLetter.pdf
bullet Programs/Speakers for 2008
bullet 20080429meeting.pdf
bullet Each year our club sponsores a celebration for members of the Boys
bullet TaxExemptionLetter.pdf
bullet Proposals
bullet LBO News Page
bullet LBO Press Release 3
bullet 2005 News
bullet November
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bullet LBO Press Release 1
bullet Newsletters/2004/200401news.doc
bullet Newsletters/2004/200402news.doc
bullet Newsletters/2004/200403News.doc
bullet Newsletters/2004/200404News.doc
bullet Newsletters/2004/200409News.doc
bullet November
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bullet LBO Press Release 2
bullet Newsletters/2003/January.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/February.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/April.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/March.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/May.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/June.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/July.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/August.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/September.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/October.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/November.doc
bullet Newsletters/2003/December.doc
bullet 2002 Newsletters
bullet Newsletters/2002/200212news.doc
bullet Copy (2) of 2005 News
bullet Newsletters/2008/newsletter12.pdf
bullet LBO Services Page
bullet LBO Service 1
bullet LBO Service 2
bullet Elections
bullet Son Breakfast
bullet Socials
bullet Youth Programs
bullet Operated by the Bromelsick Foundation
bullet Dictionary Project This is an annual project sponsored by the Lawrence Breakfast Optimist Club
bullet A select group of fourth grade students from New York Elementary school entertained us with their singing
bullet images/2006/060502NYSchool/05-03-06 Photos 013.jpg
bullet images/2006/060502NYSchool/05-03-06 Photos 014.jpg
bullet images/2006/060502NYSchool/05-03-06 Photos 016.jpg
bullet images/2006/060502NYSchool/05-03-06 Photos 017.jpg
bullet Events/Event1.htm
bullet Events/Oratorical05-06.pdf
bullet Respect for Law
bullet LBO Service 3
bullet LBO Service 4
bullet Holloween Paint In
bullet LBO Service 5
bullet Kids Night Out
bullet images/2006/Kids Night Out.jpg
bullet Community
bullet Fund Raisers
bullet Christmas Trees
bullet Pancake Feed
bullet Relay For Life
bullet Meetings
bullet LBO Feedback Page
bullet LBO Table of Contents Page
bullet LBO Search Page


Optimist honor veterans at a meeting November 10, 2009; see photos here.


See pictures of the 2007 Pancake Feed - another successful fundraiser to support kids programs in the area.


November 5th, 2007 - Three proposals for supporting our meeting space and breakfast costs. 
Proposal 2 was selected in our meeting on November 5th, 2007.
Send mail to Chapin@sunflower.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 14, 2009

LBOCPA-LPRD2008_HalloweenPix.pdf (44MB)

:: LBOCPA-LPRD2008 Photo Album

Visit website 4730 Brandon Wood Terrace, Lawrence, KS 66047
Opens Tuesday at 7 a.m.




Comments (4)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:16 pm on Aug 16, 2010

July 6, 2010

If you were not at the Optimist Club today you missed a great, informative program. Ernie had Bob Byers of the School Board speak. He spent a great deal of time discussing the budget and the board’s struggle with trying to get it right. You might not know our school board members spend 15-20 hours a week either in meetings or studying material for the up-coming meetings. And, oh by the way, they receive zero compensation for all their work.

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:15 pm on Aug 16, 2010

Today’s Lawrence Breakfast Optimist meeting was certainly well received. Not many speakers hold the audience well past the appointed 8:00 am hour but Stan Roth did. Bats not in your belfry, but certainly in Kansas. Very interesting program. Stan dispelled many myths concerning bats including their propensity to carry rabies and a diet of mosquitoes. Not.

The teacher held the class very well.

We started the sign-up for the banquet. We need to know weather you want beef or the Chicken Piccata? September 28. 2010
Let’s give Dan Harden a great send off to his year as President and to congratulate your selves on doing well this year. If you are not going to be at the meeting next week, please let me know if you and a guest are coming to the banquet.

Are you coming, how many in your party, what are you eating?

Friends of Optimists this includes you.

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:13 pm on Aug 16, 2010

This is the address that Rachel told us about this morning http://www.refresheverything.com/fyipeereducation. In case you were not present this morning Rachel Rasmussen, who was a member at LHS of the "Bullies to Buddies" organization, told the club about a grant from Pepsi Challenge that the LHS club has applied to receive. The funding for the program at LHS has been cut, and if the grant is received it would be used to continue the program. The grant is awarded based on the number of votes it receives. To vote for the program you must go to this web site. I have done it, and found it fairly user friendly. The LHS teacher who is the coordinator of this organization is Diane Ash.
Ernie Dyer

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:04 pm on Aug 16, 2010

No LJWorld Marketplace hyperlinks :: http://www2.ljworld.com/marketplace/lawrence/businesses/lawrence-breakfast-optimist-club/events/

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