
LBOC-2010 Pancake Feed and Auction

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 14 years, 3 months ago


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JOIN US AT American Legion Hall All proceeds support Youth Activities in Lawrence & Eudora, Kansas

Co-Sponsored by KU Center for Community Outreach Adults $6 donation Children 6-12 $3 donation Children under 6 free

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6 Nov 2010 - 7 am – 1 pm

JOIN US AT American Legion Hall

3408 W 6th St: Lawrence, KS 66047
Map @ http://bit.ly/9Yuw9V
All proceeds support Youth Activities in Lawrence & Eudora, Kansas
Co-Sponsored by KU Center for Community Outreach
Adults $6 donation
Children 6-12 $3 donation
Children under 6 free
Photo Album: http://picasaweb.google.com...




Comments (2)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 4:13 pm on Oct 29, 2010

ALL-WinWin Advocacy Survival Skills Checklist This checklist summarizes major points from KU "Community Tool Box" text.

___Accentuate the positive

___Emphasize your organization's accomplishments to the community

___Plan for small wins

___Present the issues in the way you want others to see them

___Develop your own public identity

___Check your facts

___Keep it simple

___Be passionate and persistent

___Be prepared to compromise

___Be opportunistic and creative

___Stay your course

___Look for the good in others

___Keep your eyes on the prize

___Make issues local and relevant

___Get broad based support from the start

___Work within the experiences of your group members

___Try to work outside the experiences of your opponents

___Make your opponents play by their own rules

___Tie your advocacy group's efforts to related events

___Enjoy yourself

Source-URL: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tablecontents/sub_section_tools_1198.htm

Lead Editor: http://www2.ljworld.com/users/RJBurkhart3/comments/

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 4:13 pm on Oct 29, 2010

We Save Lives and Enhance Self-Esteem: Lawrence Breakfast Optimist Club (LBOC) attracts a group of men and women who help EMPOWER community youth programs.

Weekly LBOC meetings provide for dynamic fellowship among engaged coaches, mentors and tutors actively concerned with our local community's sustainable wellbeing. (health, safety and environment)

Kansas City, Mo. — Turns out there might be more to those “Yes we can” campaign speeches than just good delivery.

Optimism — the expectation of a better tomorrow — is universal, according to a new worldwide Gallup poll.

Around the world, 95 percent of people expect their lives in five years to be as good as or better than they were five years ago, according to the survey analyzed by a Kansas University graduate student.

“The instillation of hope is the biggest factor that causes change,” said Matthew Gallagher, 27, a clinical psychology student who came up with the idea to find out how optimistic people were.

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